Jobs and Immigration
- Focus on effective and efficient provision of government services and infrastructure that establishes a long-term commitment to growth and our future
- Over time, shift the budget focus away from "payments to individuals"
- Ensure that there are no barriers or disincentives – either economic or regulatory – to the free movement of American workers within our borders
- Welcome nonresidents those that want to work with a well-defined guest worker program
- Eliminate employment taxes so companies aren't burdened before the sale of its goods and services
- Curtail the demand for illegal immigrants at the point of employment
- Establish a guest worker program to provide an orderly flow of labor across borders
- Admit workers based on skills, knowledge, and employer need rather than country
- Offer permanent resident status to all foreign-born graduates of American colleges with the chance to become a citizen based on employer need
- Establish a substantial yet reasonable fee for all immigrants – legal and illegal – wanting to become citizens with no threat of further fine or punishment
- Allow all illegal immigrants with established U.S. residences to move to citizenship or guest worker status without being "deported", but deport all those that do not attempt to establish legal status
- Ensure that guest workers don't displace citizens that want to work
- Ensure that occupational regulations don't inhibit relocation between states
- Eliminate homeownership subsidies and preferences that anchor workers to a single immobile, illiquid housing asset
- Establish a mortgage-relief program for underwater homeowners that find work elsewhere and want to relocate